Dedicated Lawyer
$400.00 (Per consult to find a lawyer)
1-On-1 Lawyer Access
Review & respond to email re: Marketing
$100.00 per email (15 minutes at $400/hour)
Review & respond to email re: Entity/LLC
$200.00 per email (30 minutes at $400/hour)
Review & respond to follow up Marketing question
$100.00 per email (15 minutes at $400/hour)
Predictable Legal Fees
Dedicated Lawyer
1-On-1 Lawyer Access
Review & respond to email re: Marketing
Review & respond to email re: Entity/LLC
Review & respond to follow up email re: Marketing
Predictable Legal Fees
The MyJolly.Esq Membership is a legal services subscription that was designed to provide business owners with attorney access. We can help you with your legal needs at every stage of your business. With predictable costs, you can choose the membership level best suited for your business & budget. The MyJolly.Esq Membership is perfect for you if . . .
You have a business or you want to start a business.
You want to increase your legal knowledge on business topics.
You own a business, are thinking about starting a business, or want to run a personal brand as a business.
You are looking for an attorney who can provide consistent legal advice.
Although anyone can join the MyJolly.Esq Membership program, it works best for people in the State of Florida where the law firm is headquartered and licensed to practice law. For our members in other states. the MyJolly.Esq Membership will only be able to provide legal advice regarding copyrights, trademarks, and other issues involving federal law.
We've taken the group coaching concept and applied it to Legal Services.
We provide educational information on legal topics that are specific ONLY to business owners. You get the knowledge you need to understand the legal concepts, while getting individualized legal advice through your 1-on-1 legal support,
A lot of the legal information most Business Owners need is the same. HOW & WHEN to use it for your business is what varies. How you use the law for your business is based on what kind of business you have, what actions you have taken in the past, what processes & systems you have in place and many other factors.
That's where the value of having an experienced attorney comes into play. Once you have developed a relationship with your dedicated business attorney, you can get the best advice for your legal situation.
Every member get the following . . .
- A Dedicated Business lawyer on your team
- Unlimited emails & message with your business lawyer
- A 15% discount on additional legal services and access to our discount marketplace.
- And some other perks that are too good to mention here!
The MyJolly.Esq Membership does not include:
Custom documents
Litigation or pre-litigation
Securities Work (offering stocks for sale, soliciting investors, or production of Reg D documentation)
Employee disputes
Trademark searches
Trademark applications
Copyright applications
Any matters outside of our practice areas
Government Filing Fees
With the MyJolly.Esq Membership, you get guidance on:
Letter Drafting
Vendor Disputes
Creditor Disputes
Cease & Desist Letters
Promissory Notes
Contract Disputes
Debt Collection
Leasing Agreements
Contractor Questions
Employee Issues
Business Structuring
Demand Letters
Breach of Contract
Partnership Disputes
Corporate Compliance
Sales Agreements
Licensing Issues
Client Disputes
Employee Handbooks
Corporate Minutes
Services Agreements
And more!
If you choose the monthly plan, your card will be charged on the same day every month.
If you choose the annual plan, your card will be charged on the same day every year.
Yes, you can cancel at anytime before the next billing cycle.
You get unlimited emails & messages with a lawyer to answer your legal questions. Great for those "Can I do . . ? " or "I wonder how this will affect me in the future?" or "I hope I'm not missing something" moments. Getting reliable legal advice from your dedicated business lawyer is only an email (or message) away.
During this scheduled 30-minute meeting, you can discuss your upcoming legal needs, talk through any legal issues you may be experiencing.
Our 🚩Red Flag 🚩Document Review is a targeted service where a lawyer scans your documents for potential issues that may result in huge legal problems. We focus on identifying major risks, like unclear wording, problematic clauses, or potential compliance issues.
It's not a full legal document audit, but it helps you catch the big stuff fast. This lets you address critical areas proactively and make informed decisions about your agreements and policies. By identifying these red flags early, you can minimize risks and strengthen your legal protection.
Our Document Revision service is where a lawyer takes a deep dive into your existing document We'll review, edit, and refine them to ensure they're legally sound and up-to-date.
Think of it as a makeover for your legal document! We'll modernize outdated language, strengthen your defenses with clear and protective clauses, and make sure everything complies with the latest laws. Finally, we tailor everything to your specific business needs.
The end result? Documents that are stronger, clearer, and legally effective. This protects your company's interests and minimizes potential legal headaches down the road.
Members receive a 15% discount on ANY service offered by Jolly Esquire, excluding filing fees. Some of our services include custom contract drafting, trademark searches & applications, copyrights, and business formation.
Please note that government fees are not discounted because we cannot control what the government charges. For example, when filing a trademark application, our fee will be discounted, but the government filing fee will not be discounted.
Government fees occur when filing a new application for a business, copyright, trademark or lawsuit.
The government fee for a new business in Florida starts at $70.
The government fee for a trademark application starts at $350.
The government fee for a copyright application is usually $55.